Saturday, July 24, 2010

Life on the streets that claimed Jenna Lord | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/24/2010

Life on the streets that claimed Jenna Lord | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/24/2010: "'You would think overdosing would be hitting rock bottom but I've seen people get hit with a shot of Narcan [a remedy often applied to addicts who've overdosed] wake up right up, and get right back out there,' he said. 'A lot of times, rock bottom is cold and blue.'"~Police Captain Mark Nicholas, Camden County.


  1. It's just all so heartbreaking... I hate this disease with a passion like no other that claims so many...

  2. I hate to read these kinds of stories.. it is heartbreaking.. but maybe if more cities would write about it, instead of push it under the rug, the people with power to help change the situations would hear loud and clear. Heroin has taken our little city by storm. So many ruined young lives and families with struggles they never thought would happen to them.
    Thanks for keeping us on our toes.
